Source code for colosseumrl.ClientEnvironment

import dill
import numpy as np

from typing import List, Type, Optional, Dict, Tuple
from spacetime import Dataframe

from .data_model import Observation, ServerState, Player
from .FrameRateKeeper import FrameRateKeeper
from .BaseEnvironment import BaseEnvironment

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClientEnvironment: """ Basic client environment that will work with any server environment and handles most of the connection and playing capabilities. """ _TickRate = 60 def __init__(self, dataframe: Dataframe, dimensions: List[str], observation_class: Type[Observation], host: str, server_environment: Optional[Type[BaseEnvironment]] = None, auth_key: str = ''): """ The primary class for interacting with the environment as a remote client. Parameters ---------- dataframe : Dataframe The spacetime dataframe connected to the game server. dimensions : List[str] The names of the observation dimensions observation_class : Type[Observation] The base class of observations in the dataframe. host : str The hostname of the game server server_environment : Optional[Type[BaseEnvironment]] The full server environment if we have access to it. auth_key : str Your authorization key for entering the game if the server has a whitelist. """ self.player_df: Dataframe = dataframe self.observation_df: Optional[Dataframe] = None self._server_state: ServerState = self.player_df.read_all(ServerState)[0] assert self._server_state.terminal is False, "Connecting to a server with no active game." assert self._server_state.server_no_longer_joinable is False, "Server is not accepting new connection." self._player: Optional[Player] = None self._dimensions: List[str] = dimensions self._observation: Observation = None self._observation_class: Type[Observation] = observation_class self._host: str = host self._auth_key: str = auth_key self._server_environment: Optional[BaseEnvironment] = None if server_environment is not None: self._server_environment = server_environment(self._server_state.env_config) FrameRateKeeper = FrameRateKeeper(self._TickRate) self.connected: bool = False
[docs] def pull_dataframe(self) -> None: """ Helper function to update all dataframes for this environment. """ self.player_df.pull() self.player_df.checkout() if self.observation_df is not None: self.observation_df.pull() self.observation_df.checkout()
[docs] def push_dataframe(self) -> None: """ Helper function to push all dataframes for this environment. """ self.player_df.commit() self.player_df.push()
[docs] def check_connection(self) -> None: """ Helper function to error out if we are not yet connected to a game server. Raises ------ ConnectionError If connect() has not been called yet. """ if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError("Not connected to game server.")
[docs] def tick(self) -> bool: """ Helper function to wait for a tick of the framerate. Returns ------- bool Whether or not the framerate keeper has raised a timeout. """ return
@property def observation(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Get the current observation present for this agent. Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] The observation dictionary for this environment. """ self.check_connection() return {dimension: getattr(self._observation, dimension) for dimension in self.dimensions} @property def terminal(self) -> bool: """ Check if the game has ended for us or not. Returns ------- bool Whether or not the game has reached a terminal state. Raises ------ ConnectionError If connect() has not been called yet. """ self.check_connection() return self._server_state.terminal @property def winners(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: """ Get the current list of winners for the game. Returns ------- List[int] The list of player numbers of the winners. Raises ------ ConnectionError If connect() has not been called yet. ValueError If the game is not over yet. """ if not self.terminal: raise ValueError("Game has not ended yet.") return dill.loads( @property def server_environment(self) -> Optional[BaseEnvironment]: """ Get the full server environment object if we have it available. Returns ------- BaseEnvironment Server environment or None is not available. """ return self._server_environment @property def dimensions(self) -> List[str]: """ Get all of the observations that we recieve from the server. Returns ------- List[str] The keys in the observation dictionary. """ return self._dimensions @property def full_state(self): """ Full server state for the game if the environment and the server support it. Returns ------- object Current server state Raises ------ ConnectionError If connect() has not been called yet. ValueError If we do not have access to the full state. """ self.check_connection() if not self.server_environment.serializable(): raise ValueError("Current Environment does not support full state for clients.") return self.server_environment.deserialize_state(self._server_state.serialized_state)
[docs] def connect(self, username: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> int: """ Connect to the remote server and wait for the game to start. Parameters ---------- username: str Your desired Player Name. timeout: float Optional timout for how long to wait before abandoning connection Returns ------- player_number: int The assigned player number in the global game. Raises ------ ConnectionError If we could not connect to the game server successfully. Notes ----- This is your absolute player number that will be used for interpreting the full server state and the winners after the end of the game. """ # Add this player to the game. self.pull_dataframe() self._player: Player = Player(name=username, auth_key=self._auth_key) self.player_df.add_one(Player, self._player) self.push_dataframe() # Check to see if adding our Player object to the dataframe worked. self.pull_dataframe() if timeout: while True: if self.tick() and timeout: self._player = None raise ConnectionError("Timed out connecting to server.") # The server should remove our player object if it doesnt want us to connect. if self.player_df.read_one(Player, is None: self._player = None raise ConnectionError("Server rejected adding your player.") # If the game start timed out, then we break out now. if self._server_state.terminal: self._player = None raise ConnectionError("Server could not successfully start game.") # If we have been given a player number, it means the server is ready for a game to start. if self._player.number >= 0: break self.pull_dataframe() # Connect to observation dataframe, and get the initial observation. assert self._player.observation_port > 0, "Server failed to create an observation dataframe." self.observation_df = Dataframe("{}_observation_df".format(, [self._observation_class], details=(self._host, self._player.observation_port)) # Receive the first observation and ensure correct game self.pull_dataframe() self._observation = self.observation_df.read_all(self._observation_class)[0] assert all([hasattr(self._observation, dimension) for dimension in self.dimensions]), \ "Mismatch in game between server and client." # Let the server know that we are ready to start. self._player.ready_for_start = True self.push_dataframe() self.connected = True return self._player.number
[docs] def wait_for_turn(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): """ Block until it is your turn. This is usually only used in the beginning of the game. Parameters ---------- timeout: float An optional hard timeout on waiting for the game to start. Returns ------- observation: The player's observation once its turn has arrived. """ assert self.connected, "Not connected to game server." if timeout: while not self._player.turn: if self.terminal: raise ConnectionError("Server finished game while we were waiting.") if self.tick() and timeout: raise ConnectionError("Timed out waiting for a game.") self.pull_dataframe() return self.observation
[docs] def wait_for_start(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): """ Secondary name for to be clearer when starting game. """ self.wait_for_turn(timeout)
[docs] def valid_actions(self): """ Get a list of all valid moves for the current state. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the client environment does not have access to all of your available moves. Returns ------- moves: list[str] """ if self._server_environment is not None: return self._server_environment.valid_actions(self.full_state, self._player.number) else: raise NotImplementedError("No valid_action is implemented in this client and " "we do not have access to the full server environment")
[docs] def step(self, action: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], float, bool, Optional[List[int]]]: """ Perform an action and send it to the server. This wil block until it is your turn again. Parameters ---------- action: str Your action string. Returns ------- observation : Dict[str, np.ndarray] The new observation dictionary for the new state. reward : float The reward for the previous action. terminal : bool Whether or not the game has ended. winners : Optional[List[int]] If terminal is true, this will be a list of the player numbers that have won If terminal is false, this will be None """ if not self.terminal: self._player.action = action self._player.ready_for_action_to_be_taken = True self.push_dataframe() while not self._player.turn or self._player.ready_for_action_to_be_taken: self.tick() self.pull_dataframe() reward = self._player.reward_from_last_turn terminal = self.terminal winners = None if terminal: winners = dill.loads( self._player.acknowledges_game_over = True self.push_dataframe() return self.observation, reward, terminal, winners