Source code for colosseumrl.envs.blokus.BlokusClientEnvironment

from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

from .ai import AI
from .BlokusEnvironment import start_gui, terminate_gui, display_board
from .board import Board
from colosseumrl.ClientEnvironment import ClientEnvironment

[docs]class BlokusClientEnvironment(ClientEnvironment): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._gui_is_active = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __del__(self): if self._gui_is_active: terminate_gui()
[docs] def render(self, state: Tuple[int, Tuple[Board, int, List[AI]]], player_num: int, winners: List[int]): r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the function name. """ if not self._gui_is_active: start_gui() display_board(state, player_num, winners) display_board(state, player_num, winners)
# TODO: random_valid_action_strings will be deleted because it isn't random and doesn't conform the standardized api # def random_valid_action_string(self, state: Tuple[int, Tuple[Board, int, List[AI]]], player_num: int) -> str: # _, inner_state = state # board, round_count, players = inner_state # player = players[player_num] # # all_valid_moves = player.collect_moves(board, round_count) # # print("All possible moves for you: {}".format(all_valid_moves)) # # input('press enter to play random move:') # # if len(all_valid_moves.keys()) != 0: # random_indexes = random.sample(all_valid_moves.items(), 1) # piece_type = random_indexes[0][0] # index = list(all_valid_moves[piece_type].keys())[0] # orientation = all_valid_moves[piece_type][index][0] # # string_action = action_to_string(piece_type, index, orientation) # else: # string_action = "" # # return string_action
[docs] def valid_actions_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[Tuple[int], List[str]]]: """ Valid actions for a specific state in the dictionary form {piece_type: {index: [orientation]}}""" return self._server_environment.valid_actions_dict(state=self.full_state, player=self._player.number)