Source code for colosseumrl.matchmaking.RankingDatabase

from enum import Enum
from threading import Lock
from sqlite3 import connect as connect_database
from trueskill import Rating, rate
from typing import Dict
from collections import ChainMap

class LoginResult(Enum):
    """ Numerated results after attempting a login. """
    LoginSuccess = 1
    LoginFail = 2
    LoginDuplicate = 3
    NoUser = 4

[docs]class RankingDatabase: """ Primary class for managing the SQL database storing all of the players usernames, password, and rankings. """ LoginResult = LoginResult def __init__(self, database_file: str): """ SQL database manager for storing player logins and rankings. Parameters ---------- database_file : str The sqlite file that will be used as the database backend. Notes ----- This database stores information in a users table with the following columns (username, password_hash, ranking_mean, ranking_confidence) """ self.filepath: str = database_file self.__db = connect_database(database_file, check_same_thread=False) self.__db_lock = Lock() self.__logged_in = set() cursor = self.__db.cursor() tables = cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='userz'") if len(tables.fetchall()) == 0: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE userz (username text, password text, mu real, sigma real)") self.__db.commit() def __del__(self): self.__db.close()
[docs] def get(self, username: str) -> (str, str, float, float): """ Get all data associated with a particular user. Parameters ---------- username : str Username of the player you're getting info for Returns ------- username : str The stored username again password : str The password hash for the user ranking_mean : float The point estimate of the players ranking ranking_confidence : float The variance of the players ranking. """ cursor = self.__db.cursor() with self.__db_lock: result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM userz WHERE username=?", (username.lower(), )) return result.fetchone()
[docs] def get_multi(self, *args) -> [(str, str, float, float)]: """ Generalization of get to allow for multiple user lookups at once. Parameters ---------- args : str Usernames as star args. Returns ------- List of stored information for each player username : str The stored username again password : str The password hash for the user ranking_mean : float The point estimate of the players ranking ranking_confidence : float The variance of the players ranking. """ cursor = self.__db.cursor() with self.__db_lock: query = "SELECT * FROM userz WHERE username IN ({})".format(', '.join('?' for _ in args)) result = cursor.execute(query, [name.lower() for name in args]) return result.fetchall()
[docs] def set(self, username: str, password: str) -> None: """ Create a new entry in the database for a user. Parameters ---------- username : str The username of the player. password : str The password hash of the player. """ cursor = self.__db.cursor() with self.__db_lock: # Default values for ranking and ranking confidence from trueskill cursor.execute("INSERT INTO userz VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (username.lower(), password, 25, 25 / 3)) self.__db.commit()
[docs] def login(self, username: str, password: str) -> LoginResult: """ Perform a login check for a player. This will verify the password, ensure only one session for each player, and prevent two people with the same name from connecting. Parameters ---------- username : str The username of the player. password : str The password hash of the player. Returns ------- LoginResult The outcome of the login attempt See Also -------- colosseumrl.matchmaking.RankingDatabase.LoginResults """ entry = self.get(username) if entry is None: return LoginResult.NoUser if entry[1] != password: return LoginResult.LoginFail if username in self.__logged_in: return LoginResult.LoginDuplicate with self.__db_lock: self.__logged_in.add(username) return LoginResult.LoginSuccess
[docs] def logoff(self, username: str) -> None: """ Remove a player from the login queue Parameters ---------- username : str The player that is logging off. """ with self.__db_lock: self.__logged_in.remove(username)
[docs] def update_ranking(self, match_ranking: Dict[str, int]) -> None: """ Update the rankings of all players in a match. Parameters ---------- match_ranking: Dict[str, int] A dictionary mapping each username for each player to. A lower ranking implies that the player did better, with a ranking of 0 usually implying that that player won the game. """ # Transform the usernames to be lowercase for compatibility with database match_ranking = {key.lower(): value for key, value in match_ranking.items()} # Get the current trueskill ratings for each player entries = self.get_multi(*match_ranking.keys()) old_trueskill_rankings = [{str(name): Rating(mu=mu, sigma=sigma)} for name, _, mu, sigma in entries] ordered_match_rankings = [match_ranking[name] for name, _, _, _ in entries] # Update rankings using trueskill algorithm new_trueskill_rankings = rate(old_trueskill_rankings, ordered_match_rankings) # Update database with new rankings cursor = self.__db.cursor() with self.__db_lock: for name, rating in ChainMap(*new_trueskill_rankings).items(): cursor.execute("UPDATE userz SET mu=?, sigma=? WHERE username=?", (, rating.sigma, name)) self.__db.commit()