colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui module

Author: Caleb Pitts Date: 3/15/19

Summary: Utlizes Pygame to show pieces getting placed on board as a visual cue. When enabled, the gui slows computation time signifigantly. We recomend you disable the gui for agent training.

colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui.COLORS = {0: (220, 220, 220), 1: (220, 20, 60), 2: (30, 144, 255), 3: (50, 205, 50), 4: (255, 255, 102)}
colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui.clock = <Clock(fps=0.00)>

Converts int representatio of player color to string representation.

colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui.decode_color_rgb(x, y, board_contents)[source]

Returns rgb code for coded cell color at coord (x, y) in board contents

colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui.display_board(board_contents, current_player, players, round_count, winners=None)[source]

Displays board contents and other game-related stats to a gui using pygame.


Preps cells to be drawn on gui board corresponding to the board contents.

colosseumrl.envs.blokus.gui.setup_texts(current_player, players, round_count)[source]

Sets up texts to be displayed on the gui board.


Initializies pygame gui window


Closes pygame gui window